Die Ostschweiz


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Title: Die Ostschweiz
Canton: St. Gallen
Available online: 1 January 1874 - 16 August 1900 (7,159 issues, 31,720 pages)
Bibliografic information (Helveticat): http://permalink.snl.ch/bib/sz001143014
Rights: private use
Segmentation level: automatic / unchecked
Description: The Catholic Conservative daily newspaper was published from 1.1.1874 by the Moosberger Printing Company in St. Gallen. It was originally the main mouthpiece of the der Konservativen Volkspartei des Kantons St.Gallen [St. Gallen Conservative People’s Party], then later that of the Christlichsozialen Volkspartei (CVP) [Christian Social people’s Party]. From 1968 onwards, the Ostschweiz moved ever closer to being a CVP related forum. From 1912-1964, the paper was published twice a day. Financial difficulties led to the paper’s closure at the end of 1997. This online version contains the years from 1874 through to 1900. The Neue Tagblatt aus der östlichen Schweiz was the precursor to the Ostschweiz.
First launched in 2014