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Title: L'essor
Canton: Neuchâtel
Available online: 1 January 1906 - 1 January 2015 (2,120 issues, 10,611 pages)
Bibliografic information (Helveticat): http://permalink.snl.ch/bib/sz001150859
Rights: private use
Segmentation level: automatic / unchecked
Description: L’Essor is an independent newspaper published in French-speaking Switzerland since 1905. Initially published twice monthly, it became monthly in 1973 and from 1994 appeared every two months. The orientation of the newspaper was originally social, moral and religious, and thus reflected the social Christianity movement of its founding pastors, including Paul Pettavel. From 1923-1932, the newspaper moved away from its pacifist position and was renamed Le Nouvel Essor. At the end of this phase, L'Essor returned to its original orientation concerning pacifism, Christian socialism and new pedagogies. Among its editors, L'Essor has included prominent influential figures such as teachers Edouard Claparède and Adolphe Ferrière, Professor Edmond Privat or journalists Eric Descoeudres and René Bovard. L'Essor continues to be published 6 times a year and to defend the universal values of humanism.
First launched in 2015