Intelligenzblatt für die Stadt Bern


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About this newspaper

Title: Intelligenzblatt für die Stadt Bern
Canton: Bern
Available online: 10 September 1834 - 29 June 1922 (27,901 issues, 163,109 pages)
Bibliografic information (Helveticat):
Rights: private use
Segmentation level: article level
Description: The Intelligenzblatt für die Stadt Bern was published from 1834 to 1919. From 1919 to 1922 it was titled Berner Landeszeitung . In the beginning, the newspaper was published once or twice a week then daily from 1841. In the 19th century this newspaper was the most important newspaper for the town of Bern in terms of local coverage. Anyone who studies the history of the city of Bern will find plenty of information in the Intelligenzblatt . There are reports on political events, official communications from the city, canton and burghers, news from associations, letters to the editor, obituaries, reports of crimes and much more. Advertisements make up a significant part of the newspaper; they show which jobs were to be filled and for which products and services Bernese industry and trade were promoting at that time.
First launched in 2019