Der Murtenbieter

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Title: Der Murtenbieter
Canton: Fribourg
Available online: 4 January 1854 - 31 December 2010 (15,039 issues, 97,612 pages)
Bibliografic information (Helveticat):
Rights: private use
Segmentation level: article level
Description: The twice-weekly newspaper of the Murten district goes back to das Echo vom Murtensee published in 1854 and to Der Hupper aus dem Seebezirk from 1855. Finally, on January 28, 1855, der Murtenbieter was founded. Founded by printer Conrad Bryner and the Society of Freisinniger Männer des Seebezirks, the liberal organ was taken over in 1884 by Peter-Martin Strüby, a printer and member of the Murten municipal council. In 2007, the newspaper went to the Bernese Espace Media Group, which belongs to Tamedia in Zurich.
First launched in 2021