La tribune valaisanne

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Title: La tribune valaisanne
Canton: Valais
Available online: 6 January 1937 - 7 May 1937 (50 issues, 200 pages)
Rights: private use
Segmentation level: automatic / unchecked
Description: A "political, information and agricultural newspaper", published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from January 6 to May 7, 1937, La Tribune Valaisanne was founded by Leopold Rey, one of the editors of the Courrier du Valais. It was a virulent propaganda organ, deeply anti-Bolshevist and anti-mason, openly anti-Semitic and favourable to popular Aryan racist theses from across the Rhine. Georges Oltramare, a well-known name of Geneva fascism, head of the Union nationale de Genève and future collaborator, was among those who expressed themselves in these pages.
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